Cyclohexylammonium salt [CAS: 114162-64-0]
Sodium Salt [CAS: 129541-41-9]
Name: 5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-glucuronic acid cyclohexylammonium salt
Molecular formula: C20H26BrClN2O7
Molecular weight: 521.80
SODIUM SALT [129541-41-9]
The chromogenic substrate X-Gluc is used in a variety of applications for the detection of the β-glucuronidase enzyme. Upon reduction, X-Gluc produces a localized color, making it useful in identifying GUS gene presence in most cell types and for the detection of the GUS gene fusion marker in plants. X-Gluc has reported applications in the detection of contaminated food samples such as meat, dairy, and shellfish products. X-Gluc also has clinical applications in the assessment of urinary tract infection by detecting the presence of E. coli. It has gained international acceptance as an accurate indicator for the presence of E. coli in potable water samples b y reducing false positives and negatives found with traditional methods.
1. Environmental testing of E. coli in potable water.
2. Detection of GUS expression in the study of transcription, translation, and protein transport events.
3. Determination of urinary tract infections.
4. Identifying food products contaminated with E. coli.
Seebio Biotech, Inc.
11-502. Lane 299, Bisheng Rd.
Zhangjiang High Tech Park
Shanghai 201204, P.R.China
Tel: 86-21-50272975, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81,Ext:6513,6515,6516,6520,6521,6522
For customers' complaint or suggestion: 86-21-50272981-6821, 6818
Web: www.seebio.cn
Email:fyland@seebio.cn service@seebio.cn
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