Substrate of GPDA
Substrate of GPDA
Glycyl Proline Dipeptidyl Aminopeptidase(GPDA) is widely existed in kidney, connective tissue, salivary gland, lymph nodes, serum, saliva and so on. Its main function is to decompose the peptides from collagen. It has high value for maintaining the structure and function of the connective tissue and the epithelial cells.
Since 1970, serum GPDA assay was applied in clinic, the clinical value of GPDA is widely studied and adopted. It was used for assistant diagnosis of gastric cancer, diagnosis of gastric cancer with liver metastases, diagnosis of primary liver cancer & secondary liver cancer. GDPA was in deeply studied in the other disease such as breast cancer, early kidney injury and rheumatoiddisease.
Gly-Pro p-nitroanilide p-toluenesulfonate salt (H-Gly-Pro-Pna) can be hydrolyzed by GPDA under alkali condition, liberates the H-Gly-Pro and p-nitroaniline which is yellow. GPDA activity is determined by calculating the rate of PNA formation, in terms of the change in absorbance per minute at a certain wavelengths.
Related product
Cat No. |
Acronym |
Name |
Purity |
ACE0004A |
H-Gly-Pro-Pna Gly-Pro p-nitroanilide p-toluenesulfonate salt |
65096-46-0 |
> 99.0% |
Seebio Biotech, Inc.
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